An Epistle to Pahadi Philippa : 2
Dearest Philippa, I was thinking to write to you for long. The thing about which I want to talk about is glorification of people. Sometimes we all glorify some people so much in our lives that we become overwhelmed by their intellect or beauty or kindness or success. It is not bad to acknowledge the qualities or the hard work of people. All I want to say is what we see in a person as his achievement is not exclusively his own achievement. Infact most of the times it is just a game of chance in life. Let me explain myself with an example, remember the most intelligent person you have met. He/She has technically zero role to play in the genes he/she has inherited. If that person is a quick learner then it was the IQ which should be given the credit. If he is polite and well groomed and speaks in a posh way then it was just the surroundings which made him so. In stark contrast to that imagine someone who is born with an average or below average IQ, he shouldn't be blamed for hi...