Puzzle of a Name

They say that a picture says a thousand words. I hope "they" aren't lying. However I believe a name says a thousand words. They say the name tells you the preference being either blue or pink. I hope "they" aren't lying. However I'm still confused why Pushpa likes blue and Pushparaj likes pink. They say it tells about the religion. I hope "they" aren't lying. However I know atheists having name too. I believe Shakespeare was right , What's in a name afterall? ( unless you add a boring prefix or Suffixe to it ofcourse) I just want it to shine that much that one day when someone asks, one can respond with arrogance like Ghalib did - वो पूछता है कि गालिब कौन, कोई बतलाओ की हम बतलाए क्या? what do u think this picture says?