I'm not a FOBO

 What if I deserved better? What if I wait and juggle for the best ? 

We have the biology of wanting the best. We may not even know what is best for us. Infact our best can change with time. Yet we are always in this comparison mode. Whether we believe it or not this is driven by Narcissism. We want to be those maximisers at times who revolve the whole world around themselves. This craving is deadly. I didn't know if I wanted to be veterinarian but I used to feel what if I could do something better. I still don't know many a things about my wants. I'm sure I'm not alone in this maze. Most of us don't know what we want. 

We will always have this fear of better options ( FOBO) inside us. However we need to understand that it makes us lose the benefits of commitment. 

I feel the beauty of commitment calms me down. I try to choose the closest thing that feels right and then commit to it. I feel much happier this way. 

Oh my dear Philippa, Succeeding requires commitment and consistency not the maximizer attitude. You may not have tasted success but the recipe is just like this.


  1. Dear Philippa, your writing inspires us, so keep us updated more frequently.


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