Clichéd Topic : Love

I love poetry and those love filled shayari. Infact at some point of my life I seeked someone who can be my Jack Dawson from Titanic or Dimple from Shershah. Love is so grand and majestic in our imagination that we make it complex in reality.

Isn't that love when you call your friend at 11 in the night from ola and she makes you feel the safest.

Isn't that love when your grandmother spends all of her pension money on your studies.

Isn't that love when your colleagues support you in a throng of strangers.

Isn't that love when your mother calls you atleast twice everyday to ask the same repeated questions.

ofcourse all of that is love and love only. Love is in simple small things. You will miss this lovely and lively love everyday if you still try to discover it or catch it by some or the other means. 

Love was always with you and you were always deserving of it. You just need to understand that pain is inevitable but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't live for the love.

Afterall the biggest complexity for us is that we do not understand that :

Love is everything beyond logical calculations.

Thought Credits : one of my dearest friend cum tele-ola partner ❤️


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